Are you ready to flourish this year?
Do you long to realign with what matters most to you so that you can enter the new year with clarity,
ready to plant, water, and harvest your dreams?
Announcing... The newly expanded bundle:

Which includes...

As Well As...
A welcome audio
and three additional worksheet practices
to support you throughout your year as you water your visions and weed away that which gets in the way of your dreams bearing fruit.
....Plus bonus planning tools and a 2024 calendar to support you with implementation!

Becoming Your Greatest Self
It is the entelechy of an acorn to become an oak tree.
What is your oak tree - your great potential to realize?
Who are you here to become in the greatest, fullest,
most magnificent version of you?
This program will guide you through many questions to help you listen for the glimmers of your greatness, clarify what matters most to you, and root into your entelechy.

Your Flourishing is Needed
You have a unique perspective, unique insights, and unique gifts that the world needs.
When you flourish, when you blossom in all your greatness,
that creates ripples in the world.
Just like an acorn is coded with the possibility of becoming a gorgeous tall oak tree
and a sunflower seed is coded with the possibility of becoming a radiant sunflower,
you are coded with possibilities of greatness that are completely unique to you.
Now is your time to radiantly blossom.

Designing your dream harvest
Imagine if you consciously designed your upcoming year
with your entelechy, passions, and values at the center?
What areas of your life would blossom?
What fruit would you choose to harvest at the end of the year?

Workbook Outline
How to Use this Workbook
Harvesting Last Year
Composting Last Year
Distilling the Nutrients
Rooting in Entelechy
Designing You Dream Garden
Fruit Selection
Tending to Your Garden
Your Blueprint

Inspired by ecology, biomimicry, goal-setting theory, Future Directed Therapy, Marcia Weider's Dream University, Byron Katie's "The Work," Positive Psychology, the incredible beauty of nature, and the call of these times to become more than we've ever been so that we can co-create a world that works for all living beings.
a peek at what's inside the workbook...
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What you receive with purchase
For $47 dollars you receive the full-color digital PDF workbook,
Your Flourishing Year Blueprint.
Plus 3 guided visualization audio recordings, a welcome recording, worksheet instructions for when you need motivation, for when you feel disheartened, or when you need to take inspired action to help support your dreams to blossom, as well as bonus planning materials, ...plus a 2024 monthly calendar!

Guided Visualization Audios

After purchase, look for an email within a few hours with a PDF that has instructions to access to the program page.
Please contact with any questions. Enjoy!

The Workbook

Your Flourishing Year Blueprint
is a different type of year-review and goal-setting workbook. This beautiful, full-color, 66-page, digital workbook will guide you through the process of harvesting and composting your last year, designing a dream harvest for the new year that is rooted in your greatest potential, and weeding out what keeps your dreams from bearing fruit - setting up this year to be your most flourishing year yet!