Peace Is... (Our Collective Poem from the 2017 BeThePeace Challenge)
"Peace is the extension of
Inner love expanding out
To all of life…"
~ A line from our collective poem

As an inspired impromptu part of our BeThePeace Challenge in 2017, I invited all 800 participants to co-author a poem about peace. I created a Google Doc with brief instructions (see below) and invited everyone to co-create it together in real time. It was a complete experiment; I had no idea what would happen or if anyone would even participate at all. To my delighted surprise, a gorgeous poem emerged! I invite you to take this in. Eight-hundred people from all over the world were invited to co-author a poem about peace. This is the unedited result.
A Collective Poem [The original instructions]
Instructions: Anyone from our Challenge is free to add a few lines or a stanza after the last line you see in the poem. Please do not edit or change what has been written so far. It doesn’t have to follow a structure. It doesn’t need to rhyme or even be composed of complete sentences. It doesn’t need to be in English; whatever language you speak is welcome. It just needs to come from your heart and please be kind. This is an experiment in collective co-creation. Let’s see what happens!
How would you finish this statement: Peace Is....

Peace Is...
A quiet rest inside my soul. Knowing I’m loved, connected, whole.
Awareness that we are all one.
Peace is reaching out to all
who truly listen to the call,
asking us to be aware
of what’s inside and take the dare
to first make peace with who you are
and then to join hands near and far.
Kindness. Respect. Tolerance
Stopping to think by taking a breath or two
Exploring a deep sincere wish that others do not suffer.
Peace is my home, the place I choose to be.
Peace is the Joy I decide to spread around me.
Peace is all over us.
Let’s just open our eyes to Love
The peace of Source is shining in me now.
Looking into my eyes in the mirror
And receiving the person there with Love and Compassion
Saying to those beautiful eyes:
“I Love You and Honour You”
Contentment with where you are now,
not needing anything else
Peace in me,
peace in you,
peace in everyone.
Peace inside,
Peace outside,
Peace everywhere
Peace is always here within
and if we sit for just a bit
then more and more
we’ll find Her door
then time will tell that all is well.
A touch of the wind,
A butterfly friend,
A stare into infinity,
All a reminder of what's within
Peace is the extension of
Inner love expanding out
To all of life…
Humanity, plants, animals, mountains, the ocean, the cosmos…
In this way we can become one with all that exists.
Peace is a compassionate choice,
a compelling calling,
a courageous act of love.
A soft, warm embrace,
A knowing that all is well.
It feels good and want to stay in it
And wish it upon all.
Peace is like a rainbow,
That includes all the colors of skins;
Peace is like a drop that falls into a lake
And sends its waves to distant shores;
Peace is like a tree,
That moves its life source
Through its roots, branches, leaves, blossoms and fruits,
All different parts of the One.
Peace is like the Sun,
That shines brightly for everyone,
Giving kindly, spreading Light!
Peace is like a chameleon's dance
Changing to fit each circumstance.
Peace can be found from within yourself
Search for your Soul
Be still and listen
You will find Peace sharing its music with you
Be still and listen
Spread your Soul’s music with the World
Only you can spread that music
Breathe it in, feel it, embrace it
Share it fearlessly
When we are ready we will awaken to a new world where peace reigns supreme. When we love enough we will see that there is plenty for all. When we practice peace this new world begins.
Peace begins with me
Peace begins with you
Peace begins within
May all know peace today and always! There is nothing more important than being and sharing this peace now.
To join our next BeThePeace Challenge, please sign up here. I can't wait to see what we create!