How to Celebrate International Day of Peace 2019
"We are all here to contribute our gifts toward something greater than ourselves,
and will never be content unless we are."
~ Charles Eisenstein

International Day of Peace returns this year, this time with a focus on climate action. Every year, millions around the world celebrate the United Nations' International Day of Peace on September 21st. Last year, research shows 2.2 billion people were exposed to Peace Day messages! This is a day for those of us involved in change making and activism of any kind to celebrate and honor our work and to be reminded that we are not alone in our efforts. It is also a day for those who are curious and not yet involved in peace-making to learn more, to be reminded of the importance of peace, and to get involved. No matter how big or small our actions, we each have a role to play in co-creating what Charles Eisenstein calls, 'the more beautiful world that our hearts know is possible.'
If you've been struggling with a sense of hopelessness about the current state of the world, you're not the only one. One of the best ways to deal with a sense of hopelessness is to help someone else! And there are so many ways to get involved during the time leading up to and right after Peace Day! Read below to see a (mostly chronological) sampling of suggested ways to get involved!
You can also find events on the global peace map here as well as host your own event and add it to the map!
Ways to Celebrate International Day of Peace 2019
Unified Amazon Fires Campaign
Join and take action to protect the Amazon Rainforest. Learn more here.

The Compassion Games

The Global Unity Games - a 12-day challenge to unify communities around the world is an expression of globally synchronized intentions with locally organized compassionate action.
The motivating vision for the campaign states:
We are at a turning point in the development of our global community. It's an unprecedented time when many of us are reflecting on how we can make the most positive impact. We are ready for more authentic connections, to promote peace and understanding, to spread prosperity and freedom, and protect and restore our planet. Let's use this campaign to come together to build the relationships that address our complex and interwoven challenges such as ending terrorism, reversing climate change, and preventing pandemics, and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals as defined by the United Nations.
Secret Agents of Compassion - As part of the Compassion Games, you can also join as a Secret Agent of Compassion and receive daily missions...should you choose to accept them!
11 Days of Global Unity
11 Days of Global Unity (September 11-21) From empowering students and teachers in Zambia to interfaith dialogues in San Francisco, thousands of organizations around the world and millions of people have taken part in the annual 11 Days of Global Unity: 11 Ways to Transform Your World culminating on September 21st, the U.N. International Day of Peace. Launched by We, The World and global partners in 2004,11 Days has become a worldwide platform for changemakers that links local awareness and action campaigns into an inspiring international movement with as many as 700 associated events in over 60 countries annually worldwide. More Info: and
The 11 Days of Global Unity TeleSummit 2019: This year is also hosting a TeleSummit in honor of the 11 Days of Global Unity.

Global Climate Strike

Learn more about the Climate Strike here.
Week of Climate Action

We are calling on YOU to help amplify the Elder voice as we join with the youth and many other climate organizations across the globe between September 20 – 27! We have created a list of actions you can do each day of the Week of Climate Action. We realize that you may not be able to do every action, every day but we encourage you to what you can for climate action this week! We hope you will find ways to take actions that you are able to do given your location and level of ability. Learn more here.
International Day of Peace Student Observance at the UN
The International Day of Peace Student Observance at the United Nations Headquarters, New York City: September 20th Peace Day celebrations will take place at the United Nations Headquarters on Friday, 20 September 2019, The Secretary-General will commence the celebration at 9:00am in the Peace Garden by ringing the Peace Bell and observing a minute of silence followed by a Student Observance from 9:30 a.m. till noon organized by the Education Outreach Section of the Department of Global Communications. Approximately 700 high school and college students will have an opportunity to interact with UN Messengers of Peace, along with youth participating via video conference from the United Nations Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK). The events will be live streamed at

Peace Day Events
September 21st: International Day of Peace

The International Day of Peace September 21 ("Peace Day") is observed around the world each year on 21 September and was established in 1981 by a unanimous United Nations resolution providing a globally shared date for all humanity to commit to Peace above all differences and to contribute to building a Culture of Peace. This year's #peaceday celebrates "Climate Action for Peace." More Info.
This day honors a long-standing Global Ceasefire and 24 Hours of Compassion. Pathways to Peace honors A Minute of Silence, A Moment of Peace at 12noon in every timezone as a rolling Peace Wave. Events are hosted around the world on this day, including vigils, prayers, pinwheels for peace, and many, many other wonderful events. You can find out more here.
Synchronized Meditation and Livestream
Global Synchronized Meditation: Unify is hosting a synchronized moment for all of us to unify together at 12noon PDT. They will be live streaming all day on their Facebook Page.
1 Million Meditators are also hosting synchronized meditations all week.

BeThePeace Host your own local BeThePeace events or find events to join on the map! When you sign up, you will get immediate access to a workbook and guided meditation, a guide for hosting your own events, videos, and other resources! More information here.

Earthdance is a world of communities, working and playing together to create a culture of peace, through music and dance events, synchronized global link-ups, and social activism. More than just an epic party, Earthdance is a flash forward to a peaceful future. Celebrating their 23rd year, everyone around the world is invited to join up for the Prayer for Peace at 5pm PDT. Check out their video below.
13 Indigenous Grandmothers Prayer for Peace

LIFT THE EARTH: Bringing Peace to Our Ancestors The13 Indigenous Grandmothers will be gathering in New York for this 4-day event and will be offering a livestream prayer on UNIFY's Facebook Page.
Climate Action Youth Summit
Climate Action Youth Summit: Young leaders from around the world are convening on Saturday, September 21 to showcase climate solutions and engage with global leaders on the defining issue of our time. More Info.

Playing for Change Day
Playing for Change Day On September 21 musicians and music lovers around the world will unite to bring music into the lives of young people around the world. More Info.

Peace One Day
Peace One Day’s objective is to institutionalise Peace Day 21 September. Throughout the years, millions of people have been active on Peace Day in every country of the world, and hundreds of organisations have carried out life-saving activities in areas of conflict. Check out their website for many ways to get involved!
Peace One Day 20-Year Celebration at the Globe Theater
Peace One Day are proud to announce that composer, singer-songwriter, actor, author and activist Sting will be joining to headline the line-up at Shakespeare’s Globe on Peace Day 21 September. Click here to see the full lineup.

All Weekend
Unity Foundation’s Peace Day Global Broadcast, Peace Channel promotes peace and hope around the planet by streaming the best of humanity., 24/7 We offer motivating music from the planet’s leading artists, empowering advocacy from leaders in sustainable peace and prosperity, and surprising stories about ingenious individuals around the planet who are tackling humanity’s most urgent challenges — and winning!
Watch UPLIFT's film, "The Inner Peace Revolution," while it is streaming this weekend here!
Your Events! Everyone around the world is invited to host their own events and to share them on Unify's event map! Let's cover the planet with celebrations of peace! Add your event here. Also, when you register with BeThePeace, you will receive a 30-page e-book Organizer Inspirational Booklet to get you inspired and excited to host your own event!

What else? Are there other global events and campaigns that need to be added to this? Please respond in the comments or send a message!